Breast Implant Size and Location

Dr Mark Prysi, Breast Implant SizeIn breast augmentation it is critical to pick a natural implant for the patient.

Most of my patients are looking for a natural result, and what people notice is that breasts are too small, or too big. If its a perfect woman, she would be born with a C cup. Then you don’t even notice the breasts, you take in the whole figure.

The critical determinant is the measure of the size of your chest. So in other words you want to measure where the cleavage starts in the midline, and where the breast just covers the outer part of the chest. That diameter should be the correct diameter of the implant. And every implant has a set diameter.

If you pick a diameter too small, you’re going to have a wide cleavage even with the breasts out. If you pick a diameter too big, it doesn’t fit, and you get that artificial ring at the top of the breasts that most patients don’t want.

So once we find the correct diameter, then we talk to the patients. Do you want a full C? One implant above that, or a small C, one implant below that?

With every one, you are going to have different widths of their chests, so everyone is going to have a unique implant size to give them the absolutely most natural C cup.

Almost all my patients, the implants are put in below the muscle. Three reasons: less apt to feel the edge of it, massaging acts of the muscles keep it soft, and it is better for mammography in later years because it separates the breast tissue from the breast.

If you go into the muscle, that’s probably the part of the experience that can make you most sore, and takes time to recover from, and it is usually just the first 72 hours. It usually feels like you over worked out. So what I tell my patients is that in the first 72 hours, we will give them some valium, which is a muscle relaxant, usually a light pain pill, but by 72 hours you should be on just extra strength Tylenol.

Most of my patients can return to work within four to five days. Heavy exercise is two to four weeks.

This blog post is based on an interview of Dr. Mark Prysi about Determining Breast Implant Sizes and Location at the 2014 ASAPS conference in San Francisco, CA.

Dr. Mark Prysi: Choosing Your Plastic Surgeon

If you are considering Plastic Surgery, one of the most important decisions is choosing your plastic surgeon. To help inform yourDr. Mark Prysi, Choosing Your Plastic Surgeon decision, here are six questions you should keep in mind.

Remember, a well qualified, experienced surgeon with an artistic eye is most likely to produce the results you deserve.

Certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery

Is your surgeon a member of the American Board of Plastic Surgery? There is only one board certifying plastic surgeons that is recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialities, that certify almost all other surgery boards.  Newsweek Magazine did a study in 1999 and came to the conclusion that the gold standard of plastic surgery is certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.

Active Member of a Local Hospital

Is your surgeon an active member of a local hospital and a member of the Division of Plastic Surgery? You call your county and you have two hospitals and both have only one plastic surgery division and all members are certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.

These first two considerations do not mean you are going to get an excellent result, these considerations should really serve as baselines for your decision. If these two criteria are not met, you should absolutely keep looking for your plastic surgeon.

Examples of the Surgeon’s Work

If you should remember anything, you should remember this. So, most importantly, have you seen many examples of the surgeon’s work? You should see eight to twelve before and after photos, and meet two to three patients in person. This will trult be your best guiding factor to what your results could and would be.

Surgeon’s Skill with the Latest Techniques, and Technology

Is the Surgeon skilled in the latest advanced cosmetic procedures? There are many fresh advancements in the field of Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery. Some allow a surgeon to be more precise, some ensure a greater deal of comfort for the patient. If your surgeon is not up to date with the latest advancement’s in his field, you may be settling for a less, and are unlikely to receive an optimal surgery experience.

Artistic Ability

Does the Surgeon have artistic ability? No matter how technically good a surgeon is, if they are lacking artistic ability, you are not going to be able to get the best results. After all, wouldn’t you feel better off in the hands of someone who can see clearly his and your intentions, and bring your aesthetic desires to light?

Hospital Accredited Surgery Center

Does your surgeon use a hospital accredited surgery center with MD anesthesia? Some places of surgery are accredited just like a hospital operating room, with their own private space, or in a freestanding surgery center on the campus of a nearby hospital. Make sure your plastic surgeon is accredited by the county’s board of plastic surgery, and you’ll be ensuring that you get the optimal care you deserve.

What Works for Skin Care

Prysi Cosmetic Surgery and SpaMed

“My passion is to make people feel and look beautiful”.

Transcript from Dr. Mark Prysi’s presentation on “What Works for Skin Care by Dr. Mark Prysi – Naples Florida”

Dr. Mark Prysi Presentation Transcript:

Dr. Mark Prysi, Skin CareWelcome to Prysi Cosmetic Surgery. I am Dr. Mark Prysi a Naples board certified plastic surgeon. My staff are here for you to make sure you find your plastic surgery and results the best possible.

Today’s topic is advanced skin care. Specifically Medically proven products and therapies that actual change the structures of your skin.

What Works:

Sunscreen: Well number one is Sunscreen. You have to prevent further sun damage and daily sunscreen is a must.

Clairsonic: Second is a Clairsonic, ultrasonic cleanser. This not only cleanses the skin six to seven times better, but also exfoliates the skin and stimulates collagen building. There are only two products that have been proven to cause collagen building. That is Retin A which has been around for along time, but the problem is it is irritating. The majority of my patients in Florida did not do well with this. Fortunately a couple of years ago, TNS came out by skin medica that’s a growth protein that makes almost the same amount of collagen as Retin A but with no side effects.

Vitamin C Serum: Finally, Vitamin C serum, which can reverse sun damage. dermatologists have shown that once sun damage has occurred, thirty percent can be reversed with daily vitamin C therapy.

Hydroquinone: Hydroquinone is what causes skin evening. This product has been used for many years, and can help even out the melanocytes. It doesn’t destroy the melanocytes, and sunscreen is still necessary to prevent it from recurring.

Skin Medica Peels: The Skin Medica peels also cause exfoliation and stimulate new cells to produce collagen.

Everything else you are putting on your skin makes it look or feel better, but it is not changing the structure. These seven things are the only things needed to make your skin more youthful, and structurally better.

Thank you.


This is based on a presentation given by Dr. Mark Prysi of Naples, Florida on behalf of his company, Prysi Cosmetic Surgery and SpaMed, and on behalf of his patients and persons interested in finding the best and most effective ways to maximize their aesthetic potential, and stay looking pure and youthful throughout time.